
ATO Data Matching Programs

The ATO has announced it is embarking on the following three data matching programs.

Share transactions data matching program
The share transactions data matching program has been conducted since 2006 to ensure compliance with taxation obligations on the disposal of shares and similar securities.  The collection of transaction history data dating back to 20 September 1985 (the introduction of the CGT regime) is used to enable cost base and capital proceeds calculations.
The ATO will continue to acquire details of around 61 million share transactions (in relation to 3.3 million individuals) for the period 20 September 1985 to 30 June 2018 from various sources, including share registries (such as Link Market Services, Computershare, Advanced Share Registry Services, and Automic Registry Services), and the Australian Securities Exchange Limited.
Credit and debit card data matching program
The ATO will continue to annually acquire data relating to credit and debit card payments to merchants, in this case acquiring data for the 2015/16 and 2016/17 financial years from the big four banks, as well as other banks (such as the Bendigo and Adelaide Bank, and the Bank of Queensland) and others involved with credit and debit card payments (including American Express, First Data Merchant Solutions, Diners Club Australia, and Tyro Payments Limited).
It is estimated that around 950,000 records will be obtained, including 90,000 matched to individuals.
Online selling data matching program
The ATO will continue to acquire online selling data, with an estimated 20,000 to 30,000 records obtained relating to registrants who sold goods and services to an annual value of $12,000 or more during the 2016, 2017 and 2018 financial years, from eBay Australia and New Zealand Pty Ltd.  It is estimated that around half of the matched accounts will relate to individuals.

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