w It's time to lodge your monthly JobKeeper declaration - Juggernaut Advisory

It’s time to lodge your monthly JobKeeper declaration

It’s time to take the next step and make a monthly business declaration for the JobKeeper payment. If Juggernaut Advisory has already helped you enrol and lodge your declaration for April, you will have already or will soon receive your next declaration to claim your reimbursement for May.

If you’ve enrolled and identified your eligible employees, you have from the 1st to the 14th day of each month to receive payments made to employees in the previous month. You can complete this step through this Business Portal using myGovID or our online services via myGov if you’re a sole trader.

The sooner this declaration is made, the sooner you will be reimbursed. To find more go to www.ato.gov.au/general/JobKeeper-Payment/

If you need advice or assistance on any of the above information, please do not hesitate to contact our office on (02) 4445 9014 or email us at admin@juggernautadvisory.com.au.

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